Mon 27 Jan
~~~ SEXXXy MIX CuTie ~~~ UP ALL NITE ~~always A REAL Pleaser with INcredible SKILLS ~~ 60short 80 - 22
(southfield //telegragh/incall)
Tue 21 Jan
~~~ SEXXXy MIX CuTie ~~~ UP ALL NITE ~~always A REAL Pleaser with INcredible SKILLS ~~ 60short 80 - 22
(southfield //telegragh/incall)
SeXXXy mixx cutie WITh ~~ INcredIBLE Skills ~` always a REAL pleaser ~ 60 e ~~ 80 UP ALL NighT - 22
(incall/southfield telegragh)
Sat 04 Jan