((¯`•★•´¯) -:¦:-♥ A REAL GOOOOD MASSAGE AWAITS YOUR ARRIVAL !((¯`•★• - 32

Posted : Saturday, January 11, 2025 08:52 AM | 15 views

(586)350-4480 Namaste, I am Goddess Sophia. I am a long time student/practitioner of tantra therapy. I am also a professional model and enjoy modeling as well. I am trained in several areas of bodywork, Swedish, Deep tissue, Tantra, & Reiki. I am well equipped to guide you through an extraordinary experience. My primary intention of my work is to expand your capacity for pleasure. I will teach you how to relax deeply into your body and open up your senses into a state of heightened. Tantra is about maintaining pleasure for long periods of time which brings you into a state of ecstasy. Because of this reason tantra is often used as a spiritual practice and for healing. I offer 1 or 2 hour transformational healing and pampering massage sessions. By coaching you how to use your breath and activate your Chakras you will experience mind and body connection. You will feel recharged, electrified and more relaxed than you have been in a very long time. I'm an attractive 21 year old woman in great shape and even better personality. If you prefer 4 hands or sessions for couples this can be arranged. Available 24/7 with notice. Try me, you will come back for more. Session 1: Tantric /Reiki Body Rub $190/hr or $260 for 90 minutes or $340 for 2 hours, $490 for 3 hours. Tantra is something magnificently special, a Far Eastern technique that prolongs the sense of well being,and ecstatic moments. It uses touch and breathing to prolong the experience of pleasurable sensation far beyond what one normally feels. This includes special touch and working the to extend this wonderful experience, pausing and then re-starting at special moments to allow the erotic energies to build and again subside – heightening and bringing you to the edge of sheer euphoria over and over again. Tantra often will open up sensual centers and feelings that are pleasurable that the male had not previously known were possible. Females have 11 points of "intense energy " when most only know about 2 or 3. Session 2: Tantric Reiki Body Rub & Slippery Slide Body Rub add to the price of Session 3 regardless of length. This begins with all of the bodywork and tantra or that is performed in Session 3, but culminates in an oiled body glide which aligns the chakras between the two and uses the body to relax and stimulate multiple points at one and the same time. This is done in the nude. So the total pricing per length of time is for , $280/hr or $360 for 90 minutes or $440 for 2 hours, $590 for 3 hours. *** antietam lake park,happy ending in massage,detroit rubratings,detriot adult search,gay masseur birmingham,hidden lakes clarkston,metrohea,massage in wyandotte mi,thai massage rochester,ann arbor gay massage
  • Post ID : 1419580
  • Poster's age : 27
  • City : Detroit