Mon 27 Jan
💫IrRiSiStAbLeY UnFoRgEtAbLe💫✨cLaSsY SeXy SeDuCtIv WoMaN n MoUtH WaTeRiNg SeRvIcE✨ThE 1 thAtS A 💎 - 27
🌱🌻🌱"SENSUAL SATURDAY" Bianca's downriver 🌱🌻🌱 Her place...Call/text -734-444-6454🌿🌻🌿 - 43
(Detroit, Downriver, place)
✨ErOTiC, SeDuCtIvE, SnOw BuNnY! 💯BriNg in tHe NeW YeAr with a BaNg!⚠AdDiCtiV ✨Hldy Spcls!💯✨ - 30
(Detroit, Downriver, My place)
💞💯%DiScReEt !💋 💯%⚠Addictive💯GaUrAnTeEd SaTiSfAcTiOn💯 💋QuAliTy at its BEST 👅Ready & waiting💞 - 28
(Detroit, Downriver, My place)
Tue 21 Jan
💫IrRiSiStAbLeY UnFoRgEtAbLe💫✨cLaSsY SeXy SeDuCtIv WoMaN n MoUtH WaTeRiNg SeRvIcE✨ThE 1 thAtS A 💎 - 27
🌱🌻🌱"SENSUAL SATURDAY" Bianca's downriver 🌱🌻🌱 Her place...Call/text -734-444-6454🌿🌻🌿 - 43
(Detroit, Downriver, place)
🌻🌱Make it MEMORABLE ONE🌱🌻 And i have SEVERAL ideas how! 🌱🌻BIANCA 734-444-6454🌻🌱 - 43
(Detroit, Downriver, place)
💎 EXCLUSIVE!!! 💕 ((KNOCK 👊🏻 OUT!!)) 💯Real❗️ SEXY!! PRETTY, petite BOMBSHELL ❣️ 💥💣❣️ 🎥🎥 {{ In Romulus }} - 24
(Detroit, Downriver, Romulus- my place or yours)
⭐🌠~Bianca's blonde again and in her new place DOWNRIVER ~🌠⭐ call/text 734~444~6454 ~🌠⭐ - 43
(Detroit, Downriver, DownrIver, my place)
💞ReAdY & WaItiNg for YOU!💯%DiScReEt !💋 💯GaUrAnTeEd SaTiSfAcTiOn💯 💋QuAlItY at ItS BeSt!👅💞 - 28
(Detroit, Downriver, My place)
💞💯%NeW SeXy PiCs💋 ⚠Addictive💯GaUrAnTeEd SaTiSfAcTiOn💯 💋QuAliTy at its BEST 👅Ready & waiting💞 - 28
(Detroit, Downriver, My place)
⭐NEW!💋SeXy!💕⚠VeRy AdDiCtIvE! 💋Quality at its BEST💎GaReNtEed SaTiSfAcTiOn💯NEW REAL Updated pics💯% ME⭐ - 28
(Detroit, Downriver, My place)
💫IrRiSiStAbLeY UnFoRgEtAbLe💫✨7am EaRlY MoRnInG Specials DnT MiSs✨ThE 1 thAtS A 💎 - 27
💫IrRiSiStAbLeY UnFoRgEtAbLe💫✨ClAsSy SeXy & SeDuCtIvE!✨ThE 1 thAtS A 💎ThE ReAl DeAl💎 - 27
2 girl special~ Let us play with your notty parts! Featuring Mandy & nevaeh - 28
(Dearborn / Livonia, Detroit, Downriver, Downtown, Saginaw, Southfield / West, sum where with u♡♡♡My place or yoursxoxo, Warren / Sterling Heights)
💞2 GiRL SpEciALz!!!💯%DiScReEt !💋 💯GaUrAnTeEd SaTiSfAcTiOn💯 💋QuAlItY at ItS BeSt!👅💞 - 28
(Detroit, Downriver, My place)
Sun 12 Jan
⚘🐞~ Bianca's Downriver, in her new in-call ~🐞⚘close friends, come see my home! ⚘734~444~6454🐞⚘ - 43
(Detroit, Downriver, DownrIver, my place)
Fri 10 Jan
THURSDAY THRILLS ⭐🌠~Bianca's in her new place DOWNRIVER ~🌠⭐ call/text 734~444~6454 ~🌠⭐ - 43
(Detroit, Downriver, DownrIver, my place)
Wed 08 Jan
⭐🌠~Bianca's blonde again and in her new place DOWNRIVER ~🌠⭐ call/text 734~444~6454 ~🌠⭐ - 43
(Detroit, Downriver, DownrIver, my place)
Tue 07 Jan
🌻🌱Make it MEMORABLE ONE🌱🌻 And i have SEVERAL ideas how! 🌱🌻BIANCA 734-444-6454🌻🌱 - 43
(Detroit, Downriver, place)
💎 EXCLUSIVE!!! 💕 ((KNOCK 👊🏻 OUT!!)) 💯Real❗️ SEXY!! PRETTY, petite BOMBSHELL ❣️ 💥💣❣️ 🎥🎥 {{ In Romulus }} - 24
(Detroit, Downriver, Romulus- my place or yours)
Mon 06 Jan
💞HalLoWeEn SpEciALz!!!💯%DiScReEt !💋 💯GaUrAnTeEd SaTiSfAcTiOn💯 💋QuAlItY at ItS BeSt!👅💞 - 28
(Detroit, Downriver, My place)
Sun 05 Jan
⚘🐞~ Bianca's Downriver, in her new in-call ~🐞⚘close friends, come see my home! ⚘734~444~6454🐞⚘ - 43
(Detroit, Downriver, DownrIver, my place)
║💘💘║ _Reviewed _P💘RN ST⭐R _║💘💘║Available ║💘💘║ Triple _Threat _Specialist ║💘💘║ - 19
(Detroit, Southfield / West)
Sat 04 Jan
💫IrRiSiStAbLeY UnFoRgEtAbLe💫✨WeEkEnD & LaBoR DaY SpEcIaLs!✨ThE 1 thAtS A 💎ThE ReAl DeAl💎 - 27
▃ ▆ █º(¯`'•Beyond (¯`'•.¸ ☆¸.•'´¯) Your (¯`'•.¸ ☆¸.•'´¯) Wildest•Dreams ¸.•'´¯)º 75 /100 / 180▃ ▆ █ - 19
(Detroit, DOWNRIVER /Juicy B00ty / My-Place..)
THURSDAY THRILLS ⭐🌠~Bianca's in her new place DOWNRIVER ~🌠⭐ call/text 734~444~6454 ~🌠⭐ - 43
(Detroit, Downriver, DownrIver, my place)
Fri 03 Jan