Mon 27 Jan
Saturdays Super Spectacular Feelings with Sexy as Angel Leaving Happy Always Now til Sunday 4pm - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile clintontownship near Carlye apts)
Sorry my schedule been complex this week will Resume all day Friday 9am til 4am - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile clintontownship near Carlye apts)
Saturdays Super Spc Feelings with Sexy as Angel = Leaving Happy Always 11a til 11pm - 69
(Detroit, clintontownship by Macomb College)
Saturdays Super Satisfying Feelings with Sexy as Angel + leaving Happy Always NOW til 10am - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile clintontownship near Carlye apts)
R U looking for that #1 Special Lady to PLEASE your NEEDs here I Am=GREATNESS. - 69
(Detroit, Carlye Apt= Clintontownship)
Saturday Latenight Wonderful Ways to Feel with Sexy as Angel Leaving Happy Always Now til Sun.noon - 69
(Detroit, clintontownship by partridge creek)
NOW I'm So GLAD I found Angel She's AWESOME thats the way she makes me FEEL 2=GREATNESS. - 69
(Detroit, Carlye Apt= Clintontownship)
Mondays Marvelous Sensual more than Satisfying Feelings with Angel NOW til 3am - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile clintontownship near Carlye apts)
Latenight + Early morning spc $100 with sexy as Angel Now til Wed 11am Leaving happy Always - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile clintontownship near Carlye apts)
GOOD Feelings GOOD Times Good Friday with Angel= HAPPiness 4 You!! NOW-4am - 69
(Detroit, Near Caryle apt 19mile= Clintontownship)
BETTER Feelings than watching the Game + Leaving Happy Always with Angel Now til 5am - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile clintontownship near Carlye apts)
Angel schedule for this week Thursday 130p til 6p Friday 9am til 5 then 7pm til 4am Happiness 4 U - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile clintontownship Near Carlye apts)
Tue 21 Jan
Thurs Terrific Ways to Feel with Sexy as Angel +Leaving Happy Always 2pm late appt taken @5pm - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile clintontownship near Carlye apts)
Thursdays terrific Feelings with Sexy as Angel+ leavin Happy Always 2p til 6p - 69
(Detroit, clintontownship)
Tuesdays Terrific Feelings with Sexy as Angel = Leaving Happy Always 130pm til 6pm - 69
(Detroit, clintontownship by Macomb College)
Super Satisfying Saturdays with Angel=Happiness 4 you COME NOW til 6am - 69
(Detroit, Near Caryle apt 19mile= Clintontownship)
Terrific Tiingling Times with Angel Sorry I had wrong# posted over weekend 130p-530p - 69
(Detroit, Near Caryle apt 19mile= Clintontownship)
Stressed or just want a GREAT FEELING= Angel Heaven Sent NOW-1am - 69
(Detroit, Near Carlye Apt= Clintontownship)
Thurdays Awesome Touch, Incredible Feelings that's what Sexy as Angel Offer 130p til 11p
(Detroit, 19 mile clintontownship Carlye apts)
Super Satisfying Sundays with Angel=Happiness 4 you Now-1pm - 69
(Detroit, Near Caryle apt 19mile= Clintontownship)
T.G.I.Fantastic Fun Freaking Friday with Sexy as Angel + leaving Happy Always 9am to last appt 5pm - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile clintontownship Near Carlye apts)
Making Mondays MEANingFUL Pleasures with Angel= Happiness 4 YOU!! 9a-7p - 69
(Detroit, Near Carlye Apt= Clintontownship)
Making Mondays Matter with Angel= Greatness Sorry I had wrong# posted over weekend - 69
(Detroit, Near Caryle apt 19mile= Clintontownship)
Making Mondays Marevlous with Sexy as Angel +leaving Happy Always
(Detroit, 19 mile clintontownship near Carlye apts)
I'm Glad I found Angel I love the way she makes me FEEL, Always. Monday 9a-5p - 69
(Detroit, Near Caryle apt 19mile= Clintontownship)
I'm Glad I found Angel I love the way she makes me FEEL, Always. 130p-6p - 69
(Detroit, Near Caryle apt 19mile= Clintontownship)
I'm So GLAD I found Angel She's AWESOME thats the way she makes me FEEL 2=GREATNESS. - 69
(Detroit, Carlye Apt= Clintontownship)
Happy Pleasures 4 you ,I'm HOT & waiting = Leave with BEST feeling EVER NOW til 10am - 69
(Detroit, Carlye Apt= Clintontownship)
Fun Fridays 9am til 4am Sensual Sat 9am to 4pm with Sexy as Angel=leaving Happy - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile clintontownship Near Carlye apts)
Fridays Fantastic Feelings with Sexy as Angel 9am til 4am Saturday 2pm til 4am - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile clintontownship near Carlye apts)
Finally Fantastic Feelings with Angel= Happy Feelings Now- 5pm - 69
(Detroit, Near Caryle apt 19mile= Clintontownship)
Early Saturday Satisfying Fun Feelings with Sexy as Angel = Leaving Happy Always Now til 6p - 69
(Detroit, clintontownship by Macomb College)
Fridays Fantastic Fun with Sexy as Angel+ leavin Happy til 6pm - 69
(Detroit, clintontownship)
Early Super Saturday Fun with Sexy as Angel+ leavin Happy til 3pm - 69
(Detroit, clintontownship)
Angel schedule this week Wed Thurs Friday 9am til 5pm last appt taken Friday 7pm til 4am - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile clintontownship near Carlye apts)
Mon 06 Jan
Super Satisfying Saturdays with Angel=Happiness 4 you Now-3am - 69
(Detroit, Near Caryle apt 19mile= Clintontownship)
Saturdays Super Sinsual Feelings with Sexy as Angel + leaving Happy Always Now til 2am - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile clintontownship Near Carlye apts)
Want an All around the World Feeling with Sexy as Angel RESUME Thursday 9am til 5pm - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile clintontownship near Carlye apts)
Tuesdays Terrific Feelings with Sexy as Angel + leaving Happy Always 130pm til 6pm then 8pm til 4am - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile clintontownship Near Carlye apts)
FINally Fun FRidays with Angel = Happiness for You - 69
(Detroit, Near Caryle apt 19mile= Clintontownship)
Sun 05 Jan
Sinful Satisfying Sundays with Angel= Greatness Now -4am Sorry I had wrong# posted - 69
(Detroit, Near Caryle apt 19mile= Clintontownship)
Thankful Terrific Trustful Thursday's with Angel= Happiness 4 YOU!! 12pm-7pm - 69
(Detroit, Near Carlye Apt= Clintontownship)
Tuesdays Terrific Feelings with Sexy as Angel + leaving Happy Always NOW last appt 5pm - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile clintontownship Near Carlye apts)
Sat 04 Jan
Wednesdays Wonder Feelings with Sexy as Angel + leaving Happy Always Now til 10am - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile clintontownship Near Carlye apts)
Fri 03 Jan
Stressed or just want a GREAT FEELING= Angel Heaven Sent Mon 3p-1am - 69
(Detroit, Carlye Apt= Clintontownship)
Angel schedule Tuesday 9am til 12am Wed 9am til 12am Friday 9am til 4am leaving Happy Always - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile clintontownship Near Carlye apts)
Want an All around the World Feeling with Sexy as Angel Friday Only $125 Now til 9am - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile clintontownship near Carlye apts)
Thu 02 Jan
Terrific Tuesdayswith Sexy as Angel + Leavin Happy Always.NOW 1til 7am - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile clintontownship)
Thursdays Terrific Timing spent with Sexy as Angel + leaving Happy Always 11a- 11p - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile clintontownship near Carlye apts)